Monday 25 February 2013

Mountain Lion Few Facts & Images-Photos

The mountain lion (Puma concolor) is otherwise called the cougar, panther, jaguar, and catamount, and is the greatest wildcat in North America. Mountain lions have effective appendages and can jump as heightened as 15 feet and the extent that 40 feet. 

Chasing and Diet: Cougars essential eat huge vertebrates, leaning toward deer, yet they will additionally consume Coyotes, Porcupines, Beaver, mice marmots, bunnies, raccoons, flying creatures and even grasshoppers. They slaughter by stalking to inside 30 feet of their prey before jumping from its concealing spot. It jumps onto its victimized individual's back and chomps into the neck and keeps with its sharp hooks. 

Range: With the exemption of people, the mountain lion has the greatest reach of any warm blooded creature in the Western Hemisphere. They are recognized from Canada to Argentina. In North America, they could be discovered from British Columbia and southern Alberta to California and Texas. Modest citizenries could be recognized east of the Mississippi River. The Florida jaguar is discovered in segregated citizenries in Florida.

 Mountain Lion
 Mountain Lion
 Mountain Lion
 Mountain Lion
 Mountain Lion
 Mountain Lion

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